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About Jenna


DOB: 24/04/2023


Sire: Lykosia Captain America (Demon)

Dam: Lykosia Louve Tala (Tala)

Colour: Agouti/white

Embark: DNA all clear, COE 7% (click here to see full results)


Jenna was x-rayed (PennHip method) at 5 months old with great results. PennHip Result: Right DI: 0.28, Left DI: 0.31 (90% range, with no evidence of osteoarthritis).


Jenna is our tall and lean machine! She is a very food motivated and energetic young lass! Have you seen some of her tricks and tracking videos on our social media pages?


Jenna is highly food motivated and learns new things in obedience and trick training very quickly.


Although Jenna's COE (inbreeding coefficient) is low at 7%, Jenna is linebred on our foundation lines from Oreo and Meira, 4 generations back. Linebreeding is used by breeders to 'lock in' desirable traits to the bloodline (it can also bring out any hidden faults). Breeders should only utilise linebreeding when they have intricate knowledge of the bloodline. One of our great passions over the past 20 years has been bloodline research and tracking certain traits in our bloodlines.


Jenna's only fault would be a missing a pre molar (one on each side). This does not affect her eating or working ability in any way. We do have knowledge of missing pre molars in the bloodline's relatives 7 generations back, but otherwise this is a new thing we have come across in our Lykos lines and will be carefully managed.


When choosing a mate for her in the future, we would like to find a dog from a line with a history of full dentition, longer coat, smaller ears and lighter eyes. As much as Jenna's working ability is excellent,  we also want to look at a male with a calmer and more laid back character.


 More about Jenna coming soon!


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