Sire: Timber (Embark clear)
Dam: Lykosia Orca (Embark clear)
DOB: 21/07/2022
Hips 1:1, elbows 0:0
Chase is a beautiful future stud boy for the progression of the Lykos breeding program. Chase is half our bloodlines through his mother Lykosia Orca.
As the pick of the litter, we were asked by Lykosia Orca's owner to find a home for him in Victoria (as a potential stud dog for the development of the Lykos Wolfalike breed with our breeding program). We found a home for him with one of our amazing puppy owners James we have known for a very long time who has had our White Shepherds over the many years.
Chase is a very easy going and a happy go lucky boy. ​​ As you can tell, he has taken on a lot of husky traits in looks which is also apparent in his temperament.
We are looking forward to his puppies arriving in late 2024.