(Scroll down for temperament test results)
Purple girl "Integrity" (Gi)
Dark Blue boy "Courage" (Yuu)
Green boy "Honour" (MeiYo)
Yellow boy "Respect" (Rei)
Light Blue boy "Loyalty" (ChuuGi)
Red girl "Compassion" (Jin)
Orange boy "Sincerity" (Makoto)
White girl "Patience" (NinTai)

About the Testing
These tests were based on the Volhard temperament testing methods. Testing give both breeders and owners an insight into each pup’s potential and core temperament traits at that point in time. Just like people, puppies have different personalities and click with different types of owners. The testing encompasses social attraction, following, restraint, social dominance, elevation dominance, retrieving, touch, sight and sound sensitivity and stability. The test is performed between 6 to 7 weeks of age and helps to show the puppies’ characteristics and how they react in different situations. Pups are graded 1-5 according to the options provided in the test and graded based on their reaction.
Matching the right owner to the right puppy is of significant importance, especially when selecting for performance, working ability and most commonly family pets.
Puppies are taken to a new environment /room they have not spent time in and reactions and recovery to different stimuli are tested.
Personality and temperament are not always set in stone at birth. Testing at 6 to 7 weeks is not the “be all and end all” into knowing what they will be like, but it is a handy tool and gives good insight on what things the breeder and new owner may need to work on in regard to socialisation and training to curb and improve behaviours. For example - improve focus with a puppy who may be highly distracted and independent, or confidence building in a puppy who shows signs of weak nerve.
Early experiences, socialisation, habituation, environment and the consequences of learning all impact a puppy’s future behaviour. A breeder who watches and understands their puppies’ behavioural development and does routine work with them (in a group and individually) from birth will ultimately provide the best insight into assisting potential owners choose the right puppy for them.
Test 1 - Social Attraction
What is being tested? Degree of social attraction to people, confidence or dependence. The owner or caretaker of the puppies places it in the test area about four 1.5 metres from the tester and leaves the test area. The tester has a calm and neutral demeanour and does not reach out for or approach the puppy. The tester must coax the puppy in the opposite direction from where it entered the test area. Tester is to lean backward, sitting on your heels. Tester keeps their hands close to their body encouraging the puppy to come.
1. Puppy is not interested in the tester, but rather goes off to investigate other areas with its tail up. (15 second limit whether to see if puppy initiates interaction), may bark at vocalise at stranger
2. Puppy may bark/vocalise at the tester, approaching immediately with tail up and may jump or pounce at the stranger
3. Puppy initially gets distracted by other smells for a few seconds, but then is willing to approach tester with its tail up. No barks.
4. puppy happily approaches tester, tail up, wanting to engage. No barking.
5. puppy avoids stranger and is a little nervous, tail down and when comes toward the stranger, may lick and be submissive low to the floor
Test 2 - Following
What is being tested? Degree of following attraction. Not following indicates independence. The tester stands up and walks away encouraging the puppy to follow. The tester calls the puppy to them, coaxing the puppy in the opposite direction from where it entered the test area. Make sure the puppy sees you walk away and get the puppy to focus on you by lightly clapping your hands and using verbal encouragement to get the puppy to follow you. Do not lean over the puppy.
1. puppy is not interested in following stranger at all, but goes off to investigate other areas with its tail up and ignores the stranger completely
2. puppy initially gets distracted, but after 10 seconds is willing to follow after some encouragement with its tail up
3. puppy initially gets distracted but follows within 5 seconds, very neutral and easy-going
4. puppy follows immediately and happy with its tail up wanting to engage and follow
5. puppy approaches and follows with its tail down, a little submissive
Test 3 - Restraint
What is being tested? Degree of dominant or submissive tendency, and ease of handling in difficult situations. The tester crouches down and gently rolls the puppy on its back and holds it on its back for 15 seconds (or as long as possible). Hint: Hold the puppy down without applying too much pressure. The object is not to keep it on its back but to test its response to being placed in that position. Gently lean over the puppy making eye contact with it.
1. Struggled fiercely, flailed and growled
2. Struggled fiercely, flailed
3. Struggled, settled with some eye contact
4. No struggle
5. No struggle, straining to avoid eye contact
Test 4 – Social Dominance
What is being tested? Degree of acceptance of social dominance pup may try to dominate by jumping and nipping or it is independent and walks away. Let pup stand up or sit and gently stroke him from the head to back while you crouch beside him. See if he will lick your face, an indication of a forgiving nature. Continue stroking until a recognizable behaviour is established. Hint: When you crouch next to the puppy avoid leaning or hovering over the puppy. Have the puppy at your side with both of you facing in the same direction. During testing maintain a positive, upbeat and friendly attitude toward the puppies. Try to get each puppy to interact with you to bring out the best in him or her. Make the test a pleasant experience for the puppy.
1. Jumped, pawed, bit, growled
2. Jumped, pawed
3. Cuddles up to tester and tries to lick face
4. Squirmed or rolled over, licked at hands
5. Went away and stayed away
Test 5 - Elevation Dominance
What is being tested? Degree of accepting dominance while in position of no control. Bend over and cradle the pup under its chest, fingers interlaced, palms up and elevate just off the ground about 2 feet. Hold it there for 10 seconds (or as long as you can).
1. Struggled fiercely, tried to bite or growled
2. Struggled fiercely
3. Struggled but then settled
4. No struggle, relaxed
5. No struggle, froze looking worried.
Test 6 – Retrieving
What is being tested? Degree of willingness to work with a human. High correlation between ability to retrieve and successful working dogs i.e assistance or sport dogs. Crouch beside pup and attract its attention with crumpled up paper ball. When the pup shows interest and is watching, toss the object 4 feet in front of pup, encouraging the puppy to retrieve the paper ball. Once the puppy has the paper ball, tester calls and encourages puppy to return to them.
1. Chases paper ball, picks up object and runs away.
2. Chases paper ball, stands over object, does not return
3. Chases paper ball and returns without object or may lay down to chew the paper or starts to chase the ball but loses interest
4. Puppy chases the paper and stays in the same position to chew the paper, but then comes to you
5. Puppy does not chase the paper ball
Test 7 - Touch Sensitivity
What is being tested? Degree of sensitivity to touch. Take puppies webbing of one front foot and press between finger and thumb lightly, then more firmly till you get a response, while you count slowly to 10. Stop as soon as puppy pulls away or shows discomfort.
1. 8-10 seconds before response
2. 7-8 seconds before response
3. 5-6 seconds before response
4. 3-5 seconds before response
5. 1-2 seconds before response
Test 8 Sound Sensitivity
What is being tested? Degree of sensitivity to sound. Place pup in centre of area. Assistant of tester makes a sharp noise a few feet from the puppy. A large metal spoon struck sharply on a metal pan twice works well.
1. Listens, locates sound, walks towards it barking
2. Listens, locates sound, barks
3 . Listens, locates sound, and walks there curiously
4. Listens, locates sound.
5. Cringes, backs off, hides
Test 9 - Sight Sensitivity
What is being tested? Degree of intelligent response to strange object. Place pup in centre of area. Tie a string around a large towel and jerk it across the ground a few feet away from the puppy.
1. Looks, attacks and bites
2. Looks, puts feet on object, puts mouth on object
3 . Looks with curiosity, attempts to investigate, tail up
4. Looks with curiosity, tail down
5. Runs away or hides behind tester
Test 10 - Stability
What is being tested? Degree of startle response to a strange object. Fight or Flight drive. Open an umbrella about 5 feet from the puppy and gently place it on the ground.
1. Looks, runs to the umbrella, mouthing or biting it.
2. Looks and walks to the umbrella, smelling it cautiously.
3 . Looks and wants to investigate.
4. Sits and looks, but does not move toward the umbrella
5. Shows little or no interest in the umbrella or runs away