Developing the Lykos breed, isn't as simple as breeding any 2 dogs together. The dogs in our breeding program have been carefully and artfully selected for their health, temperament, quality and type, all as equal priorities - with absolutely no wolf content. We know the colour genetics and makeup of the dogs and we have been very fortunate to produce some amazing Lykos breed examples over the years.
We research our bloodlines and genetics as much as possible so we can have the best chances of producing the best quality animals. Dogs are hip and elbow x-rayed and DNA tested with only clear dogs being bred with. All our dogs are registered with the Lykos Wolfalike Council of Australia so as to keep accurate pedigree and health records.
For the full list of dogs who have contributed to our breeding program and some of our puppy owner's beloved pets, please view the drop down menu above under "Bloodlines"